
Thursday, August 16, 2012

If You Have Ever Wondered What a Cat Would Look Like With an Eyepatch...Your Search is Over.

Hello everybody!

My girls and I received some delightful mail the other day from our very talented friend, Laura.  Among the package, these very fun paintings.

Check. it. out.

(The elephant is sad.  Why is he sad?  I think it's because he ran out of yogurt raisins.  That always makes me sad.  Why do you think he's sad?)

Wait for it.............................................................................

BOOM BABY!!  Cat with a bathingsuit and an eyepatch!  Very nice.

Thanks, love!  We will absolutely cherish them.  And here's a couple pictures of how they look in the girl's bedroom.

Laura is also a talented photographer.  She took FOUR of the pictures that you see in my header (I'll give you a hint: they're the four best ones).  You can see her work at her Laughin' Lalo blog, and where she displays her professional work: Loupey Lalo.

Oh, and I'm certain you can feel free to download these if you so desire.  I won't even ask her.  She's just cool like that. 


  1. I'm so giddy right now! Thanks for the shout out, and I really do love the paintings!!! :)


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....