
Friday, August 3, 2012

"Fig Milkshakes" New Layout!

The reviews for "Fig Milkshakes" blog are in, and the people are raving! :

Mom hails, "It's very nice dear."  !!!
Friends reporting, "Yeah, I checked your blog last week." !!!
Husband applauds, "I think it's your most time consuming hobby to date."  !!!

And now there's even more reason to keep up with "Fig Milkshakes" as author unveils new layout complete with side menu bar!
<----------------------- (See it?)

Don't miss this unique opportunity to click on the buttons!!!

You'll be amazed and delighted when the button is clicked to find a neatly organized list of web logs corresponding to the label on the button!!!

You want more you say?!?!  You won't be disappointed!!!  You can then choose which web log you would like to go to.  Simply click on the title of the log you would like to read, and the wonders of technology will reveal yet another page to take you to your destination where you can read about such things as how to eat cereal around your neck and how to make banners out of insects!!!

Try it now!  It won't disappoint, or your money back. 
(Guarantee void in Kentucky, Tennessee, and any other state housing any resident that has lost a finger or toe.)


  1. holy technologically savy lady. I'm lovin the new stuff on here! and I love that you said "people are raving!". haha. you are the best.

  2. I like the funny bone! Its neat I can experience your sense of humor without you knowing! :)

    1. Oh, hey - it's Ivy! Look everybody, I'vy's here! HI IVY!


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....