
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thrift Store TV turned Frame

Hello, hello!  

Today I thought I'd share with you guys this old tv I turned into a picture frame. 

 A loooOOoooong time ago I found this old tv for $2 at a yard sale.  It was heavy and from the stone age.  I didn't even check to see if it worked, but I just loved the retro look of it, so I grabbed it up knowing I could eventually use it for something cool.

Although this ended up taking quite a bit more time than my usual projects, just because it took forever to properly "Hulk" this thing apart - the gist of it is really quite simple, and I'm sure it wouldn't take you nearly as long as it took me.

I started with this:

Time to perform delicate TV SURGERY.

                                                                      Scalpel, please....

                                                              Oh the HUMANITY!

                        Hey, this says "UHF"!  Do you guys remember that movie with Weird Al?

                                           I'm afraid this tv will never show PBS again.

 As you can see, I used whatever tools I saw came up that I needed.  For me, that ended up being a mallet, a chisel, a screwdriver, and pliers - but I'm sure each tv is different and might require different tools.

Then with the remaining front piece, I bounded indoors and started the crafting:


1.  Cut your glass to fit (leaving a little extra for hot gluing the sides down).  Take it from me, use a thick piece of glass.  I thought I could get away with buying a Dollar Store frame and using the glass from that (as pictured), but I went through EIGHT PIECES of glass this, and in the end, I got a 1/4" thick pane from Home Depot, and cut with help from this video it in one try! 

2.  Hot glue the glass to the inside of the tv frame - into the corners where it will not be visible from the other side of the frame.

3.  Cut your picture to fit and lay it on top of the glass.  I had to tape mine down a tad.
4.  Then I cut out a piece of poster board to fit the back, and tied a wire to hang it in the future, but you can do whatever suits you - maybe you just want it to sit on a shelf and don't need the wire, or maybe you don't need a backing because it doesn't bug you that there's no back, but here's what I did:

And here's one more peek - hope you like it:

I'm linking this project up at:

 Sugar Bee Crafts for their Take-a-Look Tuesday
 &  Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday 
& Funky Junk Interiors for her Saturday Night Special Party



  1. Have I seen this?! Or is this new? Because it's awesome.

    1. You should have seen it before, but it had a different picture in it - it took on new life when I changed the picture. :)

  2. I thought this was new. Pinning!

    1. Thanks, Christina! Your support means a lot! Devour a suckling pig for me! :)

  3. I am in LOVE with this! Featuring you on the blog Wednesday and Pinning! Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create!
    <3 Christina

  4. I hope you're ready to go viral... how can this not?!

    1. Hehe. Thanks, Donna! I really appreciate that, and I LOVE your site, so I know it's coming from someone who has good taste! :D

  5. Gorgeous Frame I love it !! I think it will be match in my Room Design . I am Interested just in case . But if you consider as a Modern Standard of Frame Your TV as your Frame how to hide your tv in your next posting blogs . Have a Great Day!

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I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....