
Friday, November 9, 2012

DIY Shower Storage

Hey guys!  I recently made this sailboat shower storage from an old laundry bottle.   Of course, you know I'm always occupied with thoughts on how to save money (saved $20 on this one), so that was the big motivation for making my own - but as a plus, I got to reuse something.  Add the label to me, people...Amy: ENVIRONMENTALIST?  /hmm

The photo below is our current storage.  It's cute, but as you can see, it's been conquered and overrun, (I have this theory that the little fairy toy peeking out of the hole is their leader, but the guy in blue is the decoy) - so we had a need for something a little extra.


  • Plastic laundry soap container (or other large-ish plastic container)
  • Shishkabob stick or other small wood dowel
  • Fabric & sewing supplies for your sail
  • Suction cups (I got a package of 10 at the Dollar Tree)
  • Drill 

1.  Start with a large plastic container

2.  You can use a combination of applying heat and oil to get that tag off.  In the difficult places, I squeeze the oil right into the crease and continue to push the oil into the crease as I pull.  I bet "goo gone" works well, too.

3.  Cut to desired size.  Household scissors worked for me.

4.  Use a piece of scrap wood to place your plastic container on while you drill holes for the suction cups.  Drill enough holes in the back to leave the sailboat on securely.  NOTE: Find a drill bit a size smaller than the nipple of the suction cup (get your mind outta the gutter, that's just what it's called ). If the holes are too big, the cups will slide out when the water makes them slippery. If they are too small, you can just finagle and smush them in there, which is even better for grip.  I had no trouble with min
5.  I also drilled holes in the bottom of mine so the water will drain and not fill the boat BUT I also thought about leaving the bottom the way it was because it WILL float without the holes (I did test it, and I wish I had taken a photo, but alas, I did not.) and it can double as a toy this way if you want to play with it!  FUN!

 6.  Shove your suction cups in.  (Remember the note in #4 - you must use a drill bit slightly smaller than the "nipple" of the suction cup. I didn't find any need to secure them any other way.)
7.  Drill two more small holes for the rod dowel or shishkabob stick to go in.  (Don't look too closely, it took me a few tries... :D) Thread your dowel in as shown.

8.  Make your sail. I didn't take photos.  The steps I took to make the sail, would take SO many small instructions, and so many photos (with an already photo heavy post), but I'm confident with a simple knowledge of sewing, you can look at the sail and figure it out.  If not, and you're very serious about making this - feel free to contact me and I will happily post an updated tutorial!

I'm linking up at these places for party down purposes!

Six Sister's Stuff for their Strut Your Stuff Saturday link party
Cheerios and Lattes (like that blog name) for their Saturday Show & Tell
Young and Crafty Free for All
Craft Envy's Saturday Spotlight
Funky Junk Interior's Saturday Night Spotlight
Delightful Order for their Delightfully Inspiring Thursday
& (one of my faves) I Gotta Create for their Wildly Original Link Party

For some buttons to these link parties, check here.

Happy making!  /bye  (Oh, and I have totally cool emoticons now to brighten our're welcome.) 


  1. You are awesome! Pinning it!

  2. Great job, it looks wonderful! Newest follower here! I found you through the Saturday blog hop :)

    P.S. I’m doing a $50 Shabby Apple giveaway on my blog. You should check it out here:

  3. This is awesome! LOVE IT! We could always use another toy holder in our bathtub! Thanks for sharing this on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes this week! We love having you join us! Have a great week!
    Mackenzie :)

  4. I've been needing something like this for ages but I wouldn't buy one because they are so expensive. Now I can make one when I get the chance. Thanks for posting you are a genius.

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