
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Family Photos

My bestest buddy, Laura was here for Thanksgiving festivities this past week and took family pictures of us around the holiday.

I am so excited to have these and to share these with you.

It's a two parter, though - so tune in next post, friends!  Right now, I'm only going to post a few - these are some of my favorite candid shots she got. 

How cool are they?  How my heart rejoices when I see this.

No matter how many times I see the moon in the day - I always geek out a little.  (These beautiful mountains - B.T.W. - are just a short walk away from our neighborhood.) 

OoOooOoooh - you in twubble!  :)

I dunno.  I think she asked me to pretend like I was thinking or something.  I think I'm very good at pretending to think, don't you?  Wait - don't answer that... 

I told her I always wanted to get a good picture of a bird perching on our street sign to put in the house.  She saw this on her way as she was driving back home to Utah!  (I expect it may have been the last picture she took in our town, but you never know with Laura.)  Two words, though:  NAILED. IT.

You are so talented, Lalo - I am so proud of you!  Mad props, girl! *thumps chest twice* and Thankyousoverymuch.  We miss you already!


  1. Oooooo...I like that pic of you! It looks very elfin! (Or is it elvin?)

  2. Awww thanks m'lady! I had such fun with ya'll. I'm still working on the second half!

    1. Can't wait!

      No, really. I. can't. wait. Why are you reading this and not working on my pictures?!

      Hehe. Just kidding. Take ya time, love!

  3. I love the "thinking" picture of you too! You are quite a looker :)


    1. Thanks, induetime! I am a little surprised at how much people like it when it was just posing for a joke. It is pretty flattering, though. It has that magic downward angle that gets rid of double chins. :)

  4. Quite! She's definitely not a Saint Agnes.


    1. What, your cat?! Aw, but she's cute.... ;)

    2. No, my schmitty IS cute.
      I'm referring to Saint Agnes of Rome...poor thing was so homely!án_-_Santa_Inês.jpg

  5. Love the pics. They are really great! Wish I could visit those mountains. I'll have to do it vicariously for now.

  6. The mysterious UncleNovember 29, 2012 at 3:38 PM

    Uh..oh. Remember Amy our family are not campers!!! Remember!!


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....