
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Photo Dump

Hello everybody!  I hope everybody had a Merry Christmas!  We're not quite ready just yet for it to be over.  We are still enjoying sparkling lights and leftover Christmas carrot cake over here.

Here's a quick photo dump.  As usual, I got busy enough that I forgot to pack my camera along, so I probably could have taken more pictures - but here are some of the nicer ones from the last week or so.



Don't they look like girl "lost boys" in their new animal fur beanie deals?

That's me doing a few of my favorite things - laying under a quilt and ignoring the groceries I should be putting away.


Well, I guess it's on to the New Year now, eh?  I don't really celebrate because I love sleep so much.   I like to joke that, for me, staying awake to celebrate makes just as much sense as fasting to have fun.  But I do enjoy making new year's goals, so I am excited for the new year in that way.  Plus every year just gets better and better, so I am hoping 2013 won't be a rebel, and will just follow suit. 


1 comment:

  1. haha. Although I don't love sleep that much, I really don't love going out on NYE ... Dan and I will be sitting on the couch with Sherm drinking a bottle of wine and probably eating a $5 pizza.

    Love the photo dump friend and happy holidays!!


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