
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Family Name Flash Card Dealie

HellOoOoo friends!

Do you like my new blog header?  Really - I'm not fishing for compliments, I'm not sure if it's too busy.  Is it too busy?

I guess I like it.  All my favorite blogs have these really eloquent, minimalist yet beautiful blog designs, and I was thinking I wanted the same thing - but when I sit to try to recreate that look, I just can't find anything that I feel strikes that balance between eloquent and expressing my personal sense of style.  Maybe I'm just not eloquent (I think I'm okay with it...)

Anyhow, I'd like to hear your input.  (And now that I have written that last paragraph and thought it out to convince myself that I do indeed like it...I am now just fishing for compliments.  :D)

Well, onto the next thing.

A friend gave us these GREAT flash cards.  We had no real use for them, since Maggie has already learned her letters in school, but I just adored the art work on them, don't you?

I thought of different things that could be done with them.  Really, I think they would make a great HUGE piece of art if I wanted to take the time to hang them all side by side, but motivated by the desire to not want to take on a huge project (motivated by laziness, if you will excuse my oxy moron), I remembered this project I had seen on Pinterest, this is how they ended up:

I also thought these would be really fun in a kid's room, with the letters to spell out, "Sisterz", or even in a play room, spelling out, "Have Fun".  They do just seem to lend themselves to fitting into a kid's area, but I opted to spell out our last name to put in the front room area, just for the sheer fact that it is a little bare in some areas and needs a little more to fill up the space.

Thanks for checking it out! I'm linking up at Sugar Bee Crafts, Tuesday Confessional, and  Handmade Tuesdays - all of which you can find buttons to in my Link Parties tab up top.


  1. BAH! CUTE! Keep the ones free that spell L A L O ;)

    1. Hm...I can't do "Lalo", because there's only a capital and lower case letter of each letter of the alphabet, and I'm already using one of the "L"s for "Wilson", but I can definitely do, "Laura", or "Morris", or even something like, "Home" for ya for sure!


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....