
Friday, January 4, 2013

Random Filler Post

Hi guys!

Well, I'm off to spend the day with mah mawms.  I know I should be helping brush out tangles and pointing to unmade beds very in charge like and all that stuff that good moms do, but for some reason I've got a blogging itch to scratch - so here I am, neglecting my responsibilities in favor of sitting in front of a screen.

Does anybody else get "bloggers itch" out there?  (Insert cliche joke about needing to apply "bloggers itch cream" here)

Luckily, for such an occasion as this, when I have little of much value to share or write about, I have some photos stored away.  These are some pictures that Laura took of the house when she was here for Thanksgiving break.  Little corners and knick knacks of our home.  Please allow me to share them with you.

Commence ze photographs........................................................NOW.

This mirror is taken from my childhood dresser, and I just love the intricacies in the wood.  The table in the picture used to belong to my great grandmother and passed down to me.  The afghan is a great $3 find from a yard sale.  By my math:  Childhood memories + Family heirlooms + Bargain finds = Comfy Home (squared)

I'm currently working on this art for the girl's room.  I am hoping to have a wreath of flowers painted around the white circle by the end of the month.  Won't that be pretty?

People often ask me about the Kool-Aid.  It was given to me by a friend.  It is real Kool-Aid, but it's a reproduction, not original.  These metal cabinets came in the house, but they were part of the kitchen.  We moved them to the laundry room and updated the hardware. 

I love love love love love having children's art in the house.  I can't imagine what it will be like when this art is either more mature or gone all together.  *best dramatic voice* I don't want to LIVE without children's art!

You can see what this shelf used to look like on this link.  I purchased a damask stencil online and painted the back.  I also purchased the planter urn for very cheap and painted it white.  (The original color of the urn was not appealing.)

I may have to share this laundry bag some day.  It's actually pretty cool, and modeled after a more expensive one I saw online here.  I found a white ruffly skirt on clearance, and a seamstress friend helped me sew it together.   My sweet family that follows the blog may recognize the metal plaques as being from my grandparents house.

The girl's room.  The bed on the left is mine from my childhood.  We purchased the one on the right to kind of match but not match. 

One of the kid's many tents.  I help them make them, imagining they will spend all day in there and leave me alone for a while, but it doesn't always work out quite the way I want it to...  :)

Thank you, as ever, to Laura who is our cherished friend and free photographer! 


  1. Awww love that art you are working on for the girls room- so cute. Can't wait to see it finished :)

  2. I think I slept on that bed when we lived together. :D nit was the one too squeaky and the reason I had to move to your room on occasion haha!


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....