
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Felt Projects Archive

Hi guys!

We got our taxes back, and I confiscated some of it for home project supplies, so I've been busy busy...(one more time), busy working on home renovation projects lately - but I do want to be mindful to update the blog often.  Not sure of those commitments I made to myself things or whatever n' stuff - so here's some pictures of some old projects I made.

When I began sewing, I really enjoyed working with felt, because it's such a fun, bright material to work with, and it's better for beginners because you don't have to hem anything down or worry about it unraveling.

You recognize these grumpy guys in the first two pictures.  Before you could get a lot of Angry Birds merchandise, a grandma asked me to make these for her granddaughter that loved the game.

I think I made a whopping $12 for like, 3 hours of work, but it was fun, and the practice is never a waste!  Twelve dollars was fair, though - it sort of makes me cringe to see them now and find all the mistakes and rookie methods I used.  Still pretty cute, though.

This next project was a Chris Cornell (lead singer of Soundgarden) zombie doll somebody asked me to make for her boyfriend (who loved both Soundgarden AND zombies...thus the mix).  This day and age I commit to making only practical stuff or puppies and rainbows and stuff.  (Not that I have anything against zombies, they were once people, too.  I just decided my niche would be stuff that makes children happy.) 

Again, I think I made a whopping $12 - but, hey...fUn.  (I even made the octopus necklace he used to be seen wearing a lot.)

This next colorful character is a daphnia.  This was a sweet project.  The story behind it is that there was a group of scientists studying the details of this little guy when one of their team members became ill with cancer.  They asked me to make this guy as a going away gift for the scientist who was leaving the project to undergo treatments.

And they paid me more, even though I shouldn't have charged them...  :)

And this is what he looks like in real life.  I got this picture from his yearbook.

Anybody that knows me well enough knows that I've always wanted to invent something.  It doesn't even have to be a particularly lucrative project, I just want to introduce myself, "I'm Amy, I'm an inventor." and then wave my hand at people humbly as they tell me how cool it is that I'm an inventor.  I have already, in my mind - invented a teddy bear with a spot for an aromatherapy pouch to be tucked in for sick children, dishwashing gloves that have the sponges built right into the hand area, and I invented the idea of putting your personal family photos on a viewmaster disc.  I just invented them after somebody else already had...

My point is - these next projects were an idea I *invented*, and for a while, I thought it was genius and they had potential a very trendy, viral DIY project. 

............I was wrong.

They're air freshener cozies.  I started making them because I thought the best smelling air fresheners were the ones that are cut to look like trees, but they were also the ugliest.  All the ones that they made to look nice didn't usually smell all that great OR last very long.  This was a way to gussy them up but not have to compromise the smell.  You might think that it would mask the smell, but it really didn't. 

Can you guess what it means?

In the end, they were all given out to the friends and family that would have them, and I'm sincerely happy with that.  :D

And we'll throw in this last one here.  This was another special order of a Christmas card from somebody who had an inside joke with a friend about a gnome and a llama.  I kinda wish I had asked about that joke...


  1. Wow, you're talented with the felt crafts! The tetris and olive juice air freshener holders are my favorites, I think.

    Well, except for Zombie Chris Cornell. That one is epic!


    1. Thanks, Ceci! The zombie Chris Cornell is a crazy one. I enjoyed it, though - especially remembering that my dad would be kind enough to wake me up with my favorite music when I was a teenager, and I went through a phase where it was "Black Hole Sun" for like, a month!


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....