
Monday, October 21, 2013

Adventure is Out There

So we're moving!

And it's wild.

And it's terribly frightening but also frightfully exciting, and even the tiniest bit necessary - and all those wonderful things.

And even in the stages before the move, I've been learning so many precious lessons about flexibility and desperation.  I think a lot about the adventure of being flexible and stepping outside of our comfort zone. I think a lot about desperation - the kind of desperation when the pros and cons of a decision balance out the scales, and we have no clear way to feel confident in our own understanding- but are just desperate for God's guidance.  To open the doors where we must go and close them where we should not.

The thing husband and I often thought and discussed about how we would die here.  Now that I have written it down and am reading it back to myself, it seems silly - (I mean, we thought we'd live here the rest of our lives, which really boils down to the first thing.)  My grandma has already once told me, "Amy Jo, it is not wise to plan where you die".  I didn't really listen but just assumed we had no reason to move.  Family and friends surrounding us, and a home that has been a labor of love since we set eyes on it - we sure have been livin' the dream, in my mind.  One thing about me - I will never disturb the peace if things are indeed, peaceful.

But I feel SO blessed and privileged to have lived in this home (and may possibly again some day...)  It truly, up until now, has been our adventure.  It has kind of become the 5th member of our family - the cameo of our play, - and as I walk through it, I just think about how it has represented so many things to us over the years.  Not just a home, but the freedom of owning our first home.  Not just walls, but blank canvases.  Not just a roof, but an umbrella for loved ones to come and build up on friendships.

At times a sanctuary...
At times a schoolhouse...
At times a theatre, or a hospital.  A home is many things other than a house.  I believe this to my core.

And look at what an adventure it has been!

Bottom photo credit: Loupey Lalo Photography

But it seems there are other plans waiting about 400 miles away, and it turns out we have to be there to find out what they are.  Should be quite the new adventure.  With homeschooling, and moving, Farmer's Markets and living close to the coast of Mexico - this ole' blog just may get a tad more interesting... : D

Laura took a ton of beautiful pictures of this place.  Soon, I hope to have a "home tour" feature - so keep on checkin' in, guys!


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