
Thursday, October 10, 2013

new blog design and a post 'n stuff

Hi every buddy!

I know it's been an embarrassingly long time since my last post - I'm not even sure if those of you out there who get notifications are still getting them or if the whole nature of the internet has completely changed since I last really used it - and this blog post will be met with chirping crickets and the sound of a throat clearing and then echoing in the far off distance.

I guess I'm really just checking in to write a post about posting.  What I'm really trying to say is this: post this post, I would like to do more posts.

...Ideally, I'd like a few people to read those posts (you?).

I even created a new blog header - see?  Now, would I do that if I had not intended on writing more?

I'll write more later on stuff that's been going on, and stuff that will be going on, but for now, I actually truly have girls singing in barber shop quartet style for dinner.  Truly.

For now, here are some of the more recent instagram pictures that I like.

Laura brought over these totally rad shadow puppets.  The puppets are definitely cool.  Our skill and finesse in executing an entertaining puppet show could use some work.  I believe this one was about a zombie and a guy with a machine gun disguised as a ladder?

That's my gal.  This picture happened rather organically.  She had the bandana in her hair because I was cleaning some fun time make-up off her face and needed her hair out of the way.  She is wearing the plaid shirt because she was allowed to dress up as a cowgirl for school that day for our town's rodeo days.  I caught her looking out the window like this right before I headed out to the store. 

You do not know what this picture means.  This bathtub has had a baby highchair, an area rug, and a Christmas tree in it for TWO years, people.  We have never bathed in this bathtub until two weeks ago.   

Well, that's just about it for now, folks.  If these words fall on your saintly eyes, bless you for reading after this long time!

SO much is going on, and I want to blog about it all!  I hope to have more posts in the future.  Til' next time, friends!


  1. Welcome back! I like your new header!

    1. Thanks Ceci! The header still needs a little tweaking. When I save it to my desktop it looks clear white, but when I upload it to my blogger, it has a gray-ish background that's driving me nuts! I'm still going to try to fix it today...and maybe switch up the blog buttons. Definitely good to see your comment here!

  2. I love the new blog header!!! :-D

    1. Thanks, Susannah! You were looking at it right when I was editing. It was much too small before, and I finally nailed it! Feels good. Hop back over and take a look, if it suits you! :)


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....