
Thursday, May 8, 2014

nature trail and a dslr!!!

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So, my sister was kind enough to sell me her dslr!  ( about 40% of the price...and make installment payments on it....and pay whenever I can.)  :)

Needless to say, I love her.  

I've been wanting one for a crAzY long time - like ever since my oldest was a baby - and you know the drill, bills pile up and cavities need to be filled, and car engines need repaired - and the next thing you know that baby that you wanted to take baby pictures of is 12 years old, and you have the shocking realization that she's not cute anymore.  

Okay - beautiful, yes.  But, I didn't have a dslr during the CUUUUTE phase!  All I have is blurry pictures from a disposable camera that my family members were kind enough to give me. And now the other one is JUST about to step outside of the cute phase - so the next thing I know I'm panickingly calling my sister from the Sam's Club parking lot and asking her if I can borrow her camera (that she rarely uses) indefinitely.  That sweetheart wanted to GIVE it to me, but I insisted on paying for know...eventually.  (*sheepish grin*)  

So, we took the day off school and went for a "nature hike" (which is really homeschooling mommy code for I don't want to work today but I DO want to use my sweet new camera and get some sun.  Shhhhh.)

Let me just say this:  It's hard, yo.  I'm still fiddling with all the little buttons and doodads and flux capacitors, and I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually but in the meantime I just rely on taking 500 shots and hoping I get 20 good ones.  Other than the fact that it's time consuming - I'm pretty happy with that method.  I don't have any aspirations of being a professional photographer - I just want these sweet memories embalmed and safely buried on the internet to exhume anytime I'm feeling sentimental.  (All right, the death metaphor got away from me, I see it, but I'm not changing it because I can't think of anything else.)  

Oh yeah - the pictures.  Here they are:

We went around and took pictures of the different plants we saw with the intention of procuring a field guide and looking them up later.   I may blog a little about this in the future.  {I'm learning so much about homeschooling - but I'm not finding much online.  Pallet furniture is what I find online.  Pallet furniture and C.S. Lewis quotes artistically displayed - but not many lesson plans.)  I'd really like to contribute a little bit about what I've learned so far.}

Hey cutie.

Hey beautiful.

So apparently I like to take a lot of pictures with my subject matter on the right side of the picture.  I'm okay with it.

I did edit these rather quickly with PicMonkey, using this method.

I'm definitely looking forward to taking more in the future! I'm also definitely looking forward to blogging more!

Peace out everybody.  Sincerely - Peace. Out.


  1. These are GREAT shots! I hope this is ok to put here - I also edit a photography blog, where we can just give each other tips - Maybe you'll find the instructions for the flux capacitor on there!

    1. Thanks, Kate! It's a little bit of a serendipitous blessing that you would mention it - because if you were to go up my search history, not an hour ago - I was googling, "blogs with photography tips"! :) I'll definitely be giving that blog a thorough scrub through, I'm sure! Thank you!


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....