
Friday, November 30, 2012

I Still Know What You Did Last Family Photos

So, we took a. lot. of pictures.

Many of you have been bombarding my e-mail with requests for more pictures.  (Are you buying this?  Good.  Let's move on.) Well, e-mail no longer, because here is "Family Photos: Part THREE!"

These last ones were taken in our back yard.  The morning these photos were taken, I had been up and out of the house early.  Laura took advantage of that opportunity to surprise me by taking extra pictures of the kids.  She knew it was my heart to have some taken with our beloved quilts, but we were running out of time and energy.  To make it short - I caught her and coerced her to do a whole family photo shoot.  :)

Boy, they look like they could be sisters!

There are a few more up on Laura's blog, if you would like to see more, (but I think we have most of the same ones).


  1. Love love love the one where you're reading to the girls!

    1. Thanks, Christina! I love that one, too. I love the quilt in that one and how the light sort of shows through - it makes me think of a kaleidoscope.

  2. You have very beautiful children. Love your blog, can't remember how I came across it. Love you to visit me sometime. Happy Christmas making, Niki

  3. Oh these are sooo beautiful! I think the close up of the girls side by side is my can really see how much they look alike!


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