
Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Ornament Hack

Hi friends!  Glad tidings and all that.  Do you like my Christmas-y blog banner (for your viewing pleasure)?

Off the topic of my very cool blog banner, but still on the topic of Christmas stuff - do you guys ever open your ornament box around Christmas time and find a bunch of Christmas ornaments with no tops?  I do.

You can go out and buy the lids for these immodest ornaments, but sometimes the sizes are all different, and I don't know about you, but I just feel like it's a hassle to take unexpected trips to the store in an economy with 3.49/gallon gas.

I have devised a hack for just this very thing.  No unexpected trips to the store, no spending money where you don't really need to.  Check it out.

(Apply firmly, and make sure to press down around the "mouth" of the ornament.  It seems to help)
Hi, ornament me!
I even waited several days for you to make sure this would hold up, and it does!
 You can't even tell it's tin foil, unless you get real close. It has served us well.

And, if you don't like the way the foil looks, you could cover it with some decorative tape.  I didn't have any festive looking tape, so the polka dots will have to do for now.

I'm linking up to party at several different link parties, including Salt Tree, So I Married a Craft Blogger, Sugar and Dots , Ginger Snap Crafts, Sugar Bee Crafts, I Gotta Create - all these and more, you can find their buttons on my tab menu where it says "Link Parties" - or just click on this link......wait for it.....HERE!


  1. The Mysterious UncleDecember 3, 2012 at 7:22 PM

    This family Christmas Tree is brought to you by... FIG Milkshakes and by the proud people at the tin foil factory.

    1. I bet no one has ever told you you're weird, huh? I'm the first one. Well, you are.

    2. The Mysterious UncleDecember 10, 2012 at 9:21 PM

      Watch out otherwise you'll turn into The Wacky Tinfoil Lady from down the Street! "Stay away from my tinfoil!"

  2. Yeah, I could never make that. Or at least not without cutting my finger or something crazy like that. BUT, very cute!!

    1. Well, I wouldn't want you to cut your finger (especially since you don't have a tree to put an ornament on...:) I'm just happy to get your comments. :)

  3. Cute! So simple and easy! Makes it look 100 times better!

    1. Thanks, Yelle! Appreciate the love (and the opportunity to type the name, "Yelle". What a fun name)!

  4. Fantastic tip! We all have those ornaments that need that ;)

    Thanks so much for sharing at the party,
    <3 Christina at I Gotta Create!

  5. Ok... I'm back because this tip is so helpful and you are a STAR over at I Gotta Create! Featuring you now. :)

    Thanks so much for linking up,
    <3 Christina

    1. COOLIO! Thank so much both for hosting the party and for featuring me!


I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....