
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Country Living Christmas Tree Contest

DUDE, GUYS...if you're happening by the blog and:

1.  Have a Pinterest
2.  Like my Christmas tree picture

Please go "like" my submission to the Country Living Christmas Tree contest.

I could win a free Kindle, and since Darth Hubby's only Christmas gift this year is a coffee cup, (don't worry, he doesn't read the blog...and even if he does - cat's out of the bag, he got a coffee cup...) I would love to be able to give him a Kindle!

I guess I'm feeling a like a little bit of a dreamer today, because the only thing I ever won was a free Sprite off a Coke bottle cap when I was 13 (yes, it was that exciting that I remember that...), and an "alternate" placing in the 5th grade Spelling Bee...  But, the votes aren't TOO far off - so far there's 30, and from what I can tell, the highest amount of "likes" so far is 70.


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I can't wait to see what totally excellent comment you will post! Go ahead, do it! Don't mind me....