
Friday, December 14, 2012

Our Decorations of Comfort and Joy

Well, it's raining here.  See?

Normally I wouldn't complain about rain.  It's just that I finally finished my Christmas "mantle" last night, and wanted to show you today, but my little point-and-shoot camera really relies on natural light to get a good photo, so I am going to wait another day to see if Mr. Sunshine joins us tomorrow.

(Santa, is there a DSLR in that bag for me?  /please )

I do have a few pictures of a couple other little things we did around the house.

I feel like we keep it simple, and then I don't.  Definitely simple compared to a lot of other things I see out there, but these little projects still take HOURS out of my time - I just don't know how those  amazing homemakers out there do it all.  Mad props to those mamas (and papas, too!)

Here's what we did.  Do you remember my Dollar Store Copycat Owls?  Well, they got a little chilly sitting there next to the window, so we dressed them up a bit.

Then I came over here into the kitchen chalkboard and made a Christmas mantle.  (Not to be confused with the aforementioned Christmas mantle, hopefully I'll post pictures of that tomorrow.  Rain, rain go away.)

And, of course the tree.  Although, I do prefer the white lights, Darth Hubby loves the multi-colored.  It's a small sacrifice to make when he gives me his support to "Amyfy" just about every inch of the rest of the house, don't you think?  And besides, the multicolored lights match nicely with my $3 yard sale afghan as a tree skirt.

Hopefully I'll get my other Christmas mantle up tomorrow.  For now, I'll show you a hint.  It involves these beauts.  I saw these for $1 at Dollar General and hoarded them up like I was stocking Martha Stewart's bomb shelter. /wahaha

Okay everybody, pray the rain away.  I want to get my pictures of the Christmas mantle up tomorrow [by which I really mean, three rather large leaks have sprung up in the girl's room, and my head is filling up with pictures of it all collapsing in - (so yes I am serious about asking you to help me pray the rain away)]

Thanks, as ever, for reading my silly ramblings and looking at my silly pictures!  I'm linking this post up at A Thoughtful Place .


  1. AH! I love it! I miss your house already! I also miss a good AZ rain.

  2. those owls are so cute! and i love that chalkboard!


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